Articles on: Register

Do I have to pay taxes on the donations received?

In most cases, receiving donations is tax-free, but there are cases where you have to pay taxes on the donations received. The amount and the relationship with the donor are matters that determine whether you should pay tax on your donation or not.

Every country has different tax laws. So, contact your country's tax authorities for more clarity.

According to Dutch Tax Rules -
If you receive multiple donations in one year, you do not have to add them together if they come from different people.

There are 2 exceptions to this rule. Add the donations together if:
The donors or the recipients are partners (Find out if the donors or recipients are partners)
The donors are your parents, even if they are divorced

Tip: If you are unsure whether you should pay tax on the donations you receive, contact the tax authorities.

Updated on: 17/04/2024

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